Tuesday, September 6, 2011

mini story #4972

Not really my stories to tell, I suppose because I was not there for them.. but to remember and help remind the people who were involved- I will record the story I was told.

background info: The new school the girls go to is a Catholic school- one of the best private schools in the area.  They have a lot to offer education-wise and do not force the bible studies on the students... or so the parents are told, anyway.

So- just two quick stories-

the other day at the neighborhood park, the girls were having a play date with their friend 'N'.  Ns household is very open for questions and learning of all things; they introduce human anatomy, how babies are made and different religious ideas through books and communication (many questions arise- so lots of conversation!).  It is a wonderful thing, I think, and proves to be a positive aspect in areas of Ns development.  That being said, he is very curious about various things; God's, heaven, the idea of Noah's Arc, etc. are all possible topics that may occur on any given day.  So combine N's curiosity with the girls new found Catholic education and what happens?  Wellllllll.. their parents found them all sitting in a circle inside the sandbox- when approached the kids seemed spooked, as if they were totally just busted doing something bad.  But, no no- nothing wrong or bad here.. instead-

"we were having prayer.  Its a circle of all of us so we can pray to Gods.  We are praying to Ganesh, Jesus and the Holy Spirit."

The next story is of the same manner- the girls are learning about things like 'treat others how you want to be treated' but through ways of the Lord.  So, the other day at breakfast the girls were picking granola bars to put into their lunch bags for snack time at school- M got the last 'favorite' granola bar and A was a little sad... M says..
"hey! A!  Its okay- if you do not like the kind of bar you got, I will share half of mine with you at snack"
A responds, "Wow thanks M!"
M- "yeah, thats being Jesus.  Your welcome."

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