Thursday, May 5, 2011

dont cry over spilled milk!

'A' spilled water on herself at our picnic lunch right before school.. with no time to change her pants, she says "aww man- but it looks like i peed my pants!" My immediate and more importantly, OUTLOUD response.. "peeing your pants is cool!"  Eeesh.  Apparently my filter disappears with lack of sleep allowing random movie quotes all willy-nilly.  If you could have seen the look on her face. Pure shock and horror. I tried to explain it was from a movie, but she did not believe me....

we will see in the next few days if this whole thing will resurface.  Typically with a misunderstanding as such, the girls will taunt and/or question me... I foresee many diaper, mini potty and 'peepee dance' jokes in my future.